
WebArena initial check-in

WebArena is a web-based game which provides a casual multi-player battle environment. See the below link for more info. At this point, I've just checked in some very initial, pre-alpha code.

It has a client system requirements check, the ability to create chars, login, and see who else is online.

WebArena Home Page

You can grab the latest from CVS and use doc/README.html to setup a server if you're interested, just realize it doesn't do a whole lot at this point.

There are web-based single-player RPGs out there (AdventureQuest for example), however, this is shooting instead for a multiplayer PvP battle experience.


TrackerAssist v1.15 available

The label under the minimap now dynamically sizes to the text avoiding unnecessary "dead spots" where you can't click through. Also added a setting to control text alignment in the label.

You can download the latest from one of the below.

Curse Gaming
UI World of War


TrackerAssist v1.13/v1.14 available

I posted v1.13 of TrackerAssist, which fixed some more settings bugs and added a window which can be used to adjust the settings (see below).

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I then posted another version v1.14 which makes the label under the minimap draggable.

You can download the latest from one of the below.

Curse Gaming
UI World of War


TrackerAssist v1.12 posted

I developed an AddOn for World of Warcraft (WoW) called TrackerAssist back in Jan '05. Since then I periodically updated it, then didn't update it for quite some time and have recently made a few updates incorporating some code contributions from other authors to bring it up to the latest WoW environment and fix some bugs.

Anyway, the latest version is available at the below links.

Curse Gaming
UI World of War

TrackerAssist provides some enhancements to the tracking ability available to some of the classes in the game. If you have a tracking ability (like hunters have for example), then when tracking is enabled and you mouse over a blip on the radar, TrackerAssist will show additional info about the unit as shown below.

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If you then click on the blip, TrackerAssist will send a notification to the chat channel as shown below.

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Use /ta to see the available command line options and current settings as shown below.

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WoW AddOns make use of Lua to customize the game interface and client behavior and allow quite a bit of community involvement/improvement in the game. In developing the AddOn with Lua, I could see using this at some point from the application developer's role to allow scripting of my app.


sstat v1.6 available

Some time ago, I developed a generic TCP server status monitoring tool, with the initial application being monitoring of multiplayer game servers. I've posted a new version at the below link. As this tool just checks arbitrary TCP servers for the ability to establish a connection, it can be useful for monitoring any kind of TCP server for availability, i.e. web servers, Email servers, etc.

To use, edit the config file (sstat.cfg), and specify whatever servers you'd like to status along with a user friendly name for each and host/port info. You can even create multiple config files and then create separate shortcuts, each specifying a different config file on the command line.

The provided default config file just checks for a local web server, but some other sample config files are provided as well.

sstat download page

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